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" G I S T - P L U S "
Program Author: Robert F. Keber Jr.
Produced By: The TypeRight Company
LAKE WORTH, FL 33463-3342
(407) 969-3643
COPYRIGHT (C) - All Rights Reserved
Use This Software At Your Own Risk
The author of this software makes or offers no warranty, either
expressed or implied, regarding any of the software programs included
with this package. There is no warranty for this software's usefulness,
or for it's fitness for any particular purpose. The author will not be
liable for any damages arising from the use of (or from the inability
to use) this software. The author will not be liable for lost profits,
lost savings, lost income, lost time, claims by other parties, or for
other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of (or
from the inability to use) this software. Use of this software is
entirely at the user's own risk.
DICTIONARY DEFINITION: GIST (jist) n. The essence of a matter, as in
"Getting the gist of a situation".
GIST PLUS ("GP") is a "Customer Billing" program.
It is designed for firms who have a need to produce and print Invoices
which contain "Descriptions" about service (or anything else), "Names
and Numbers" for parts or products, "Instructions", "Expiration Dates"
or just about anything else, in addition to all the all important
"Numbers" which say "How Much".
"GP" is NOT an accounting program, but it is a "GROSS INCOME" program.
It provides all of the "Income" information that most Accountants or
Bookkeepers require from a small business. In most cases, they will
only need some "GP" Printouts, and the Bank Statements and Check Stubs
to maintain a firm's books.
But, in addition to organizing and preparing your Income Data for your
Accountant, "GP" will provide "You" (as a Manager) with a great deal of
other very useful business information. It will also automate some tedious
monthly chores such as sending out "Customer Statements" or making up many
"Repetitious Invoices" to the same customers every month. And it does all
of this without most of the usual "Mistakes", "Short-Cuts" and "Oversights"
that occur when these same tasks are done by an employee with a typewriter.
- Shows "Last Sale Date" & "Total Amount Spent" for every customer.
- Prints a Customer Telephone Directory (2 phones with extension #s).
- Prints Two Customer Address Directories (Long & Short Versions).
- Prints Customer Mailing Labels (by Name/City/State/Zip/Area/Etc.).
- Large "Comment Field" for Special Terms, Ship/Bill To Address, Etc.
- Prints a Customer Statement or Customer Invoice for any account.
- Data fields are designed to allow INTERNATIONAL address entries.
- Prints Labels/Phone/Address Lists by Territorys or Service Routes.
- Use "Hand Written" invoices or let "GP" Produce & Print your Invoices.
- Allows Custom Listings of Descriptions, Part#'s and Work Performed.
- Sales Tax can be configured to comply with most Laws & Regulations.
- Can Print Multiple copies of Invoices (Customer & File Copies).
- Generates Invoice & Customer Numbers Automatically (No Duplicates)
- Prints Accounts Receivable Statements with matching Mailing Labels.
- Prints a Ledger of Invoices for any "Time Period/Customer/Employee".
- Prints a Ledger of invoices with totals for Accounts Receivable.
- Provides 12 "ReNameable" Sales Categories plus ReNameable Sales Tax.
- Provides 10 "ReNameable" Sets of "Terms & Conditions".
- Handles "Partial" or "Installment" payments.
- Packing List - List & Print up to 675 different Sale items.
- Inventory List - Pop-Up Scroll Bar Window with Sorted Inventory List.
- Double checks "Calculations" on hand-written employee invoices.
- Allows a Six Line "Heading" for your Name, Address & Telephone.
- Allows a Six Line Invoice Footer for custom messages, disclaimers, etc..
- Extensive use of "Pop Up Windows" for easy use & simplicity.
- Converts Invoice Values to hundreds of different currency values.
- "Re-Bill" Feature Produces New Copies Of Previous Invoices.
- Prints/Displays Accounts Receivable Ledger & Customer Statements.
- Prints Gross Income "Breakdown" by Sales Category for any time period.
- Prints "Income Totals" from any Employee/Customer for any time period.
- Prints ledger of "Accounts Paid" for any time period.
- Shows Sales Tax Charged, Sales Tax Collected & Sales Tax UnCollected.
- Displays or Prints Many Reports & Ledgers and shows averages.
- Support program: Provides ability to Create/Edit an Inventory Data File
which holds up to 735 items. Automatic "% MarkUp" and "Retail Price"
calculations. Entries appear in the "Invoice" and "Packing List"
screens in a "Pop-Up" Scroll-Bar-Window for automatic data entry.
Eliminates much of the work involved with constantly looking up prices
for sold items or parts in printed supplier's price list catalogs.
Packing Lists:
- Support program: Provides ability to Create/Edit large "Packing Lists"
(up to 675 items each) for inclusion with each customer's invoice.
Multiple packing lists can be produced for each invoice. Program will
create, edit, sort & print many different "Pre-Prepared" Packing Lists
packing lists, or can produce custom (use once) lists. Accessed directly
from the "GP" Invoice Menu. "Pop-Up" Scroll-Bar "Inventory" Window helps
speed Packing List creation.
- Holds about 725,000 Customer Records & 725,000 Invoice Records.
- Word Processing style commands for the majority of field entries.
- Use "NAMES or NUMBERS" for retrieving records.
- Find "Strong & Weak" categories of employee's performance.
- Find "Strong & Weak" categories of Product & Service performance.
- Unique "BROWSE" mode for viewing Customer & Invoice records.
- Shows System "DATE & TIME" on "Main Menu".
- International Date Settings: MM/DD/YY DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD.
- Time Settings: 12 or 24 Hour Clocks.
- Changable International Currency Symbols: Dollars, Pounds, Yen, Etc.
- Two International Currency Formats: 1,234.56 or 1.234,56
Currency Conversion:
- Support program: Program will provide "On Screen" currency conversions
of an invoice's values, to any of several hundred different currencies.
Select the Country to convert your invoice values to from a "Pop-Up"
Scroll-Bar window. The top portion of the Invoice Screen will then show
the converted values of the amounts displayed on the lower half of the
Invoice Screen. Also offers a routine to "Print the Conversions".
System Requirements:
- Computer - PC/XT/AT/286/386/486 or Close Compatible
- DOS or MS/DOS Version 3.3 or higher
- Ram Memory - 640k (Use of ALL features requires about 400k of FREE Ram)
- Hard Drive Recommended
- Monitor - Mono or Color - 80 column
- Printer - 80 Column Dot Matrix - IBM ProPrinter or Epson FX compatible.
- CONFIG.SYS: Set To "FILES = 25" (Or More - Very Important!)
GENERAL INVOICE SALES TRACKER - PLUS ("GP") is a "Shareware" software
package. The term "Shareware" means that we provide you with a copy of the
program for you to "try out" for a short evaluation time. After a few weeks
of use, you are required to either dispose of the program or send us the
purchase price for registration. Extended use without proper registration
is a violation of our rights under International Copyright Laws.
WARNING: The "Shareware" versions of any of our programs are, and will
remain, fully functional. But any of several safeguards "may" exist to
encourage User Registration and to help detect and expose unauthorized
retailing of any version which may have been "Doctored" or "Altered".
User Support (both Telephone & Written) is available for anyone who needs
help or information with any of our products (Registered or Not).
Because we produce and support MANY different software packages, and each
package usually has several updated releases and revisions, please have the
following information available whenever you contact us for any reason:
Program's Full Name, Version Number, and Serial Number (even if NOT a
Registered Program).
All Users who register will receive the latest updated, improved and
"Debugged" version of this program. They are also kept advised of all of
our new programs, and many times, Registered Users are offered special
discounts toward (and free Demos of) our new programs.
In addition to all of that, they also receive another program called
"GP-TOOLS.EXE", which is a "support" program for "GP".
"GP-TOOLS.EXE" let's the registered user do four (4) very useful tasks
related to manipulating "REC" files (and the list keeps growing).
#1- EXTRACT Invoices from your "INVOICE.REC" data file and create assorted
"smaller" Invoice files. This allows "Date Specific" Invoice files to be
created with "Yearly, Semi-Annual, Quarterly or Monthly" data only.
Another benefit of this feature is that it allows the User to keep their
"current" Invoice file much smaller in size. Smaller file sizes increase
the program's speed during data searches, and allows "GP" to be used on
some of the smaller disk drives.
#2- MERGE Invoice files. Allows you to merge together two or more "GP"
Invoice files into a larger Invoice file which can contain many years
worth of invoices (up to about 725,000 separate invoices).
#3- CLEAR the "Last Sale Date" & "Total Amount Spent" fields from all the
records in "CUSTOMER.REC". Then Recalculate and insert new values for both
of those fields, based upon the information contained in the "current"
Invoice file.
#4- Offers additional ability to fix or repair corrupted data files
through a "File Maintenance" routine. This routine will remove all records
marked as deleted, and all records it finds to be corrupt. This will
usually shorten larger files, and many times this routine will "repair" a
corrupted Invoice or Customer file with only a minimal loss of data. This
routine is well worth the small cost of having it at your disposal if you
ever need it.
Print out (and fill out) the enclosed file named "REGISTER.DOC" with the
following Command.... "COPY REGISTER.DOC LPT1:" <...and press 'Enter'>.
The printed output will be a Registration Form. The program price will be
listed on that Form. As all Prices and Features are subject to periodic
changes, it is advised that you call or write for the latest prices after
July, 1993.
When you have filled in the Registration Form, Mail it to us with your
Payment. Make checks payable to "R. KEBER JR." in United States Funds.
Our normal method of shipping a pre-paid order within the United States
is by regular 1st Class Mail. In such cases there is NO SHIPPING CHARGE,
and delivery time is usually just a few days.
(All Prices & Features Are Subject To Change Without Notice)
Files included with "GP"
BRUN45 .EXE - MicroSoft "Run-Time Module" - Allows Smaller EXE Files.
CNF-GPnn.EXE - Allows User To "Set-Up" GIST PLUS To Individual Needs.
CURRENCY.EXE - Creates/Edits/Sorts "CURRENCY.DAT" Currency Conversion file.
CURRENCY.DAT - Data File Containing Hundreds Of Countries & Currencies.
GP .DOC - This Instruction Manual
GP .EXE - Main Program
INSTALL .EXE - Installs "GP" on Hard Drive & Prints Instruction Manual
INVNTORY.EXE - Creates/Edits/Sorts "INVNTORY.DAT" Inventory File
PACKLIST.EXE - Creates/Edits/Sorts Assorted Invoice "Packing Lists"
10012-1 .PKL - Sample Packing List #1
10012-2 .PKL - Sample Packing List #2
REG .DAT - Registration Data - User's Name & Serial Number.
REGISTER.DOC - Registration Form - Print & Fill Out When Registering
SAMPLE .CUS - Data file of sample Customer records
SAMPLE .INV - Data file of sample Invoice records
SCREEN .OVL - GIST Display Screens (Compressed)
OLDSTYLE.EXE - With Registered Versions Only. Converts "Older" Style "DTA"
Data Files (Created with GP Versions older than 3.0) Into
"Newer" Style "REC" Data Files.
GP-TOOLS.EXE - Shipped ONLY With Registered Versions. Advanced Data File
Utilities And "File Maintenance" For Corrupted Files.
Files which are created when "GP" is run
CUSTOMER.REC - Random Data file for Customer records
CUSTNAME.NDX - Index file - Customer Names
CUSTNUMB.NDX - Index file - Customer ID Numbers
CUSTOMER.BAK - Backup file - Copy of CUSTOMER.REC
INVNTORY.DAT - Inventory Data File - Max of 300 Records
INVOICE .REC - Random Data file for Invoice records
INVNAME .NDX - Index file - Invoice Customer Names
INVNUMB .NDX - Index file - Invoice ID Numbers
ACCREC .NDX - Index file - Unpaid Invoices
INVOICE .BAK - Backup file - Copy of INVOICE.REC
GP .CNF - Configuration File For GP's Custom Settings.
FILENAME.PKL - Assorted Packing List Files.
GP.EXE has been written in such a manner as to make it very adaptable to
different Tax Laws, User needs, and hardware abilities. As a result there
are many features which can be changed (or "Configured"). Most changes can
be made by running the "GP" program, and then choosing the "RECONFIGURE"
menu selection from the Main Menu.
The Reconfigure section of GIST has a lot of "on screen" instructions,
explanations and menus. It will create a new disk file called "GP.CNF"
which will contain a list of all the custom changes you may have selected.
From then on, when GIST-PLUS is run, it will look for GP.CNF and (if found)
will use the list of "settings" inside the file.
Name Of Invoice TAX Field........: "SALES TAX"
Sales Tax Percentage Rate........: .05 (Five Percent)
Sales Tax On Sale Category #1....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #2....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #3....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #4....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #5....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #6....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #7....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #8....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #9....: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #10...: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #11...: Yes
Sales Tax On Sale Category #12...: No
Page Headings (Graphics/Text)....: Use Non-Graphic Characters
Use GIST Letterhead..............: Yes
Use Pre-Printed Stationery.......: No
Use "Window" Mailing Envelopes...: No
Center Invoice's 5 COMMENT Lines.: No
Last Printed Line Of Invoice.....: "Sales Rep:___ Customer Rep:___"
Starting Invoice Number..........: 10,000
Starting Customer Number.........: 3
Copies Of Printed Invoices.......: 1
Sales Category #1 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #1"
Sales Category #2 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #2"
Sales Category #3 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #3"
Sales Category #4 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #4"
Sales Category #5 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #5"
Sales Category #6 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #6"
Sales Category #7 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #7"
Sales Category #8 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #8"
Sales Category #9 Is Called......: "Sale Cat #9"
Sales Category #10 Is Called.....: "Sale Cat 10"
Sales Category #11 Is Called.....: "LABOR CHRGS"
Sales Category #12 Is Called.....: "SHIPPING"
Payment Terms #1 Is Set To.......: "PAID - CASH"
Payment Terms #2 Is Set To.......: "PAID - CHECK"
Payment Terms #3 Is Set To.......: "PAID - CREDIT CARD"
Payment Terms #4 Is Set To.......: "PREPAID ORDER"
Payment Terms #5 Is Set To.......: "COLLECT ON DELIVERY"
Payment Terms #6 Is Set To.......: "NET CASH - 10 DAYS"
Payment Terms #7 Is Set To.......: "NET CASH - 15 DAYS"
Payment Terms #8 Is Set To.......: "NET CASH - 30 DAYS"
Payment Terms #9 Is Set To.......: "DUE ON RECEIPT"
Payment Terms #10 Is Set To......: "SPECIAL PRE-ARRANGEMENT"
Heading Text - Line #1...........: "YOUR COMPANY'S NAME & ADDRESS"
Heading Text - Line #2...........: "To Insert Your Own Data"
Heading Text - Line #3...........: "In These 6 Lines Of Text,"
Heading Text - Line #4...........: "Use The RECONFIGURE Selection"
Heading Text - Line #5...........: "On The Main Menu. Then On Next"
Heading Text - Line #6...........: "Menu, Use 'Header Information'."
Footer Text - Line #1............: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS"
Footer Text - Line #2............: "To Insert Your Own Data"
Footer Text - Line #3............: "In These 6 Lines Of Text,"
Footer Text - Line #4............: "Use The RECONFIGURE Selection"
Footer Text - Line #5............: "On The Main Menu. Then On Next"
Footer Text - Line #6............: "Menu, Use 'Footer Information'."
Currency Conversion Query: "OFF" (NOT Active at end of Invoice Editing)
International Dates: Default: MM/DD/YY (DD/MM/YY YY/MM/DD Options)
International Times: Default: 12 Hour Clock (24 Hour Option)
International Money Symbols: "$" (Options: Pound, Frank, Yen, etc.)
International Money Formats: "." ("." = 1,234.56 or "," = 1.234,56)
Any (or all) of the above items (and a few "Sub-Items") may be changed as
often as you like. You may use "RECONFIGURE" over and over, as it will
simply "Read" and then "Re-Write" the "GP.CNF" file.
We also offer the following suggestion about "GP" Configuration. All of
the routines for configuration are contained inside another "EXE" file
called "CNF-GPnn.EXE" (the "nn" in the file name will actually be the
current program version number). As the file gains more and more features
and power, it also gains the ability to do severe damage to your data files
(if used carelessly or recklessly).
As a precaution against this, we suggest that your management set up the
program configuration as "you" want the program to operate.
Then make (and keep on file) a printout of the configured settings. Those
printouts are VERY helpful the next time you need to use a backup copy, or
when you install a newly updated version of "GP".
Then, after doing all of that, move, remove (or rename) the "CNF-GPnn.EXE"
file to a secure, limited access area for safe-keeping.
By doing this, no one else can change any of the program settings without
your knowledge. Neither can they "accidentally" delete your Data Files by
exploring and experimenting with the program's various features.
After "CNF-GPnn.EXE" has been removed and the "RECONFIGURE" Menu Selection
is picked, a small "Error" message will appear on the screen saying that
"The File Is Missing", and the program will return operation to the Main
Menu for another Menu Selection. No Problem!
"GP" is NOT copy-protected and has no elaborate schemes to prevent copies
from easily being made. Copies can be made by any of the normal DOS/MS-DOS
"Copy" or "Disk Copy" commands.
All of the "GP" files are "matched" to each other by version number. They
MUST ALL BE from THE SAME VERSION or the program will not work properly.
The best and easiest method (always) to "Set-Up" or "Update" "GP" is to
run the "GP" Program called "INSTALL.EXE".
"INSTALL.EXE" will NOT erase or delete any of your existing "GP" data
files, but will replace all of the other "GP" files. If installation is on
a Hard Drive, "INSTALL" will simply check to see if a Sub Directory called
"\GP" already exists on that drive. If it does, it will warn you and then
give the option to "Quit" or "Continue" operation.
If this is a brand new installation (you have never used this program
before) and you get the warning that "\GP" already exists, then QUIT the
install program and find out what files are already in the sub-directory
called "\GP" on your hard drive. You may then have to make adjustments to
avoid confliction problems between "GP" and whatever files are already
present in that sub-directory.
In the case of an "Update" installation, "\GP" WILL already exist from the
previous installation, and you will "Be Warned". Enter a "C" to "Continue"
Installation. INSTALL.EXE will then "peek" into the target Drive &
Directory, and then do whatever is necessary to avoid "over-writing" your
It will also create another file called "GP.BAT", which it will store in
the ROOT Directory. This file is created for those Users who may not know
their way around a Hard Drive too well. Simply typing "GP" in the ROOT
Directory will automatically switch to the "\GP" sub directory and then run
"GP.EXE" for the operator.
INSTALL will also check to see if there is a "Boot-Up" file called
"CONFIG.SYS" on the target drive. If CONFIG.SYS does NOT already exist,
then INSTALL will create such a file for the operator. The "CONFIG.SYS"
file will only contain one very important command...
If there already is a "CONFIG.SYS" file, then "INSTALL.EXE" will examine
it's contents. If a "FILES=" command to does NOT exist, it will be inserted
into the file.
If the "FILES=" command DOES EXIST, it will be examined and reset (if
necessary) to a minimum of "25" files. This command is what determines the
maximum number of disk files that your computer may "Open" (access) at one
time. On most systems, the default setting is only for "8" files.
It is "VERY IMPORTANT", for the "FILES=25" command to be set to at least 25
or more files or "GP" will run into a "Brick Wall" as it tries to create
and open "one" file too many.
The same is true for many (lots & lots) of other programs as well. So it's
not a bad idea to set this to "25" files, and never change it again (unless
another program tells you to increase it to an even higher number). The
"FILES=" command is one where "Too much won't hurt, but too little will"
(within reason).
Once you have gotten all the "GP" files installed, all that is necessary to
RUN "GP" is to BOOTUP and....
.... Enter the command.........: GP <enter>
"GP" will then load into memory. If this is a brand new installation,
there will be no Customer or Invoice data files for the program to access.
So you will be asked if you wish to use the "SAMPLE" data files to try out
the program. If you answer "Y" (for yes) then "GP" will create copies of
the two "SAMPLE" files and re-name then as "CUSTOMER.REC & INVOICE.REC".
The program will then create several disk "index" files, and then
present you with the "Main Menu" screen.
The sample data files have been included to make things a bit easier for
you, if you just want to "try out" this program. They will save you the
trouble of entering your own data before you are able to try out "GP".
Feel free to play around with these sample files, and "get the hang" of how
the program works. That's the easiest and fastest way to learn (most fun
way too).
Run through all the different Menus and features, and try everything. Find
records, add new records, edit records, delete records. Print out some
labels, directories, statements, reports and invoices. Make all of your
mistakes with the sample data files and learn while using "them" instead of
your "Real" data.
Try "Re-Naming" the "Sales Categories" and "Terms & Conditions" to settings
which will apply best to your individual type of business. Selecting Sales
Category Names is perhaps the most important step in setting up GP for your
own use. A LOT of thought should be given to the Names BEFORE you begin to
enter your own "for real" data.
To enter a "Discount" (or any other kind of number which is meant to be
subtracted), the value must be entered as a NEGATIVE NUMBER (eg: -26.54
...dash + the number).
Partial Payments (or Credits) can be applied to invoices during Invoice
Editing when the "Paid In Full" field is left without an entered date.
If the "Paid In Full" field is left without an entered date (left UnPaid),
you will be offered a chance to enter a "Partial Payment" toward the end of
the Invoice Editing process.
Partial Payments should be entered as normal (positive) numbers (NOT
Negative numbers) as the program will automatically perform all required
If a "Partial Payment" entry is made, some new figures will be displayed
"On Screen" which will show the "Last Payment Amount", The "Total Amount Of
Payments Received" (Credits), and the "UnPaid Balance" due on that invoice.
These same "Partial Payment" figures will then appear at many other places
throughout the program as this same invoice is accessed by other routines.
"Accounts Receivable" screens and printed reports, "Invoice" screens and
printouts, printed "Customer Statements", and "Sales Income" screens and
reports will all reflect the amounts and the changes made by any and all
of the partial payments.
If you use the "RE-BILL" routine, then all "Partial Payments" and "UnPaid
Balances" will be IGNORED and set to zero as newer invoices are created. In
other words, the OLD "Invoice Total" will be the NEW "Balance Due" in the
newly created invoices.
When the final "Payment" is entered and the "Balance Due" becomes zero (or
less than zero - no "Credit Balance"), a window will appear asking if you
wish to "Mark This Invoice As Paid In Full". If "YES", then ALL "Partial
Payment" and "Balance Due" fields will be reset to zero, and the invoice
will be marked as "Paid In Full" using "Today's Date".
If you manually enter a date into the "Paid In Full" field when there is
still a "Partial Balance Due", another window will appear asking if you
wish to "clear" all partial payment entries. If "YES", then ALL "Partial
Payment" and "Balance Due" fields will be reset to zero, and the invoice
will be marked as "Paid In Full" using the date which you entered.
At the current time, "GP" will NOT keep track of multiple payments and
payment dates. It simply keeps track of "How Much Has Been Paid", and
"How Much Is Left UnPaid". Extensive tracking of Multiple Payments (Payment
Dates, Payment Amounts and Check Numbers) can be performed manually in a
"Hard Copy" (printed on paper) Accounts Receivable File.
*************** IMPORTANT READING **************
IMPORTANT: When you are ready to erase the "SAMPLE" data files and begin
entering "Real" data... DO NOT just "Delete" every sample record inside of
each file. Doing this will only "Mark" those records as deleted. They will
still exist in the old file until some new records are entered, at which
time they will be "over-written". But until then, they will sit there
taking up space, and messing up your "Total Records In File" count.
the Main Menu. Once "Reconfigure" is loaded, there is a menu selection for
ERASING DATA files on the Configuration Menu which make this task simple
and fast.
Once you have ERASED the sample data files, when GP.EXE is run again, it
will (once again) ask if you want to use the "SAMPLE" data files. Answer
"N" (for NO) to both the "Customer" and "Invoice" sample files. By doing
this, "GP" will create brand new (and empty) "REC" files for you to begin
entering your own "For Real" Invoice & Customer records.
If you find you are having trouble with "printing" any of the various
"print" items, look farther into this text for a heading of "TROUBLE"
and "PROBLEMS" for suggestions on what to check for.
The following page or so describes the methods used in "GP" to enter data
into "Fields". "Field" is just another word for a "Blank Space" to be
filled in with information. Example: "NAME:____(field)_______".
We suggest that you take the time to at least glance through this
information, as most of it has been put there to make life (and "GP")
easier for you. Some of it will describe "Short-Cut" methods of entering
data, while some of the others will answer some questions before you even
think to ask them.
INSERT KEY: Toggles between "Insert" & "Overwrite" of characters.
Cursor changes shape for each mode.
DELETE KEY: Deletes character at cursor position.
BACKSPACE.: Deletes character to left of cursor position.
LEFT ARROW.: Move cursor left one space.
RIGHT ARROW: Move cursor right one space.
UP ARROW...: Jump to previous field.
DOWN ARROW.: Jump to next field.
CTRL LEFT..: Move cursor left one word.
CTRL RIGHT.: Move cursor right one word.
HOME KEY...: Move cursor to beginning of field.
END KEY....: Move cursor to end of field entry.
CTRL END...: Delete field entry from cursor position to end.
PAGE UP....: Jump to top field.
PAGE DOWN..: Jump to bottom field.
F-1 KEY....: Exit "Current Routine" and return to the previous menu.
F-5 KEY....: Varied purposes. Watch Bottom Center of Display Screens.
F-10 KEY...: Exit from the "GP" program.
In the majority of cases, when "GP" asks a question to be answered by a "Y"
or "N", pressing the "Enter" key is the same as entering a "Y" (for Yes).
But there are a few places where the reverse is true (Enter = "N"), and
still a few other places where you MUST press a "Y" or "N", and the "Enter"
key won't be accepted. It sounds confusing, but (believe it or not) it
works well and makes good sense in practice. However, when in doubt, just
press the "Y or N" keys.
If you find that the "TIME & DATE" displays are NOT accurate, then the
problem is NOT with "GP". The problem is that "YOUR" Computer System's
"Clock & Calendar" are not properly set. The "Reconfigure" program has a
menu selection to reset your System time and date to current settings.
TIMES: The Reconfigure Program offers either "12" or "24" Hour Clocks.
DATES: The Default Date format is: MM/DD/YY. Other International Date
Formats of DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD may be set from the Reconfigure Menu.
Anywhere in "GP" where you enter a date, it will always be checked for
validity. If the date is invalid, a "Warning Window" will appear on screen,
and the date will not be accepted. All Dates may be entered as 01/02/93,
01-02-93, 01.02.93, 01,02,93 or just 010293 (without separators).
INVOICE DATE FIELD: To enter "Today's Date" (System Date) in this field,
just "exit" from this field by ANY method WITHOUT entering any kind of date
entry (Depress ENTER, UpDn, PgUp, PgDn, F5 Key, etc.).
PAID DATE: To mark an Invoice "Unpaid", don't enter anything in this field.
You accomplish this by just pressing the "Enter" (or cursor) keys. When
marked as "Unpaid", the field should show MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD.
To mark the "Paid Field" as "Paid" using "Today's Date", just press the
"F5 Key" (watch bottom, center of screen).
The OLDEST date "GP" can handle is 01/02/50 (Year = 1950)
The NEWEST date "GP" can handle is 12/31/49 (Year = 2049)
This range effectively gives "GP" a 100 year date range.
When "GP" asks you to enter some information to search for a particular
If asking for an ID Number, for the best results try to enter the entire
number (not just part of it).
If asking for a Customer's Name, for the best results only enter the first
three or four characters of the last name. First names are ignored. Never
enter more than 18 characters of any last name for a search key.
If "GP" is unable to find a record which matches the "Search Key" infor-
mation which you provided, an "on screen" message may appear saying so. You
then have the option of trying again.
But in some cases, if an "Exact Match" is not found, "GP" will present the
"Next Closest Match" for your inspection, and it will then ask if that
record is correct (as in the "Browse" mode).
These two fields are located on the "Customer Data Entry Screen". They are
"calculated", "filled in" and "maintained" automatically by "GP". They
cannot be changed or edited by an operator.
As you enter "New" invoices, these fields will be updated with the new data
The "GP" "Support Program" called "GP-TOOL.EXE" offers the capability of
"Clearing & Recalculating" the "Last Sale Date" & "Total Amount Spent"
fields in each customer record. The new data placed into these fields will
be based upon the Data in the Invoice file in use at that time (with
"Registered" versions only).
"GP" provides two "Name" fields for entries. The Last/Business name field
contains 30 characters, and the First name field contains 20 characters.
Combined together, the two fields total a maximum of 50 characters for
For reasons of spacing on paper and labels, only the first 30 characters of
the combined two name fields will be printed on any "GP" printout. For
this reason, we suggest that you keep all "First Name" field entries as
reasonably short as possible.
After a "Customer" or an "Invoice" have been assigned an "ID number", and
the record is saved to a disk file, you will no longer be able to change
the Names or ID Numbers through any of the "GP" "Editing" routines.
Once assigned, the "ID Numbers" are "Keyed" to the "Names", and "Vice
Versa". They are permanently "MATCHED" to each other. The only way to
change those "Names & Numbers" is to "Delete" the entire record, and
then re-enter it all over again.
A quick way to know which fields can be edited is to look at the color of
the print in the fields. Yellow text CAN be edited, while White can NOT.
The "ATTN OF:" field can be used for "Attention Of" information, or it can
be used as part of a two line street address. If this field is left empty,
it will NOT be printed as a "blank" line in your printed addresses, as the
fields normally printed below this line will move up to fill it's place.
For International Users there is a special invisible feature combined into
the "City" and "State" fields. If your equivalent abbreviation for "STATE"
is MORE than 2 characters then do the following. Try to fit your "STATE"
abbreviation into the same field as your City, and enter NOTHING into the
"State" field. Example: "City Or Town: KANGAROO TOWN, NSW". If this is
done (and nothing is put into the "State" field), the program will NOT put
a Comma (",") after the "City/Town" line, will ignore the "State" field,
and will simply attach your Zip Code to the end of the printed line. Your
printed output will look like "KANGAROO TOWN, NSW 1234".
If you have a type of business which assigns specific areas of a County,
State or Country to different employees, this field will allow you to print
Customer Address Lists, Telephone Lists, and sets of Mailing Labels by the
territory number.
This feature can help speed up the time it takes the employee to locate
customer information. The lists will ONLY CONTAIN information pertinent to
His/Her work area, and will NOT contain the customer information for your
entire office. This can also be an added "Security" measure, as these
printed lists can be of great value to employees thinking of beginning
their own business, or to your competitors if they should obtain a copy.
If you DO NOT use Routes or Territories, then you can either ignore the
"Territory" field (and leave it empty).
....or use it for some other type of "Coding System" for printing
"Special" lists which contain only specific groups of customers. Perhaps
"WholeSale" verses "Retail" customers, or Large, Medium and Small
customers, each of whom may require a different kind of advertising by
mail. There are many possibilities, and you may set up anything that suits
your needs. These possibilities are even farther enhanced if you use the
SAME "Code Number" in your "Employee Number" field.
The Telephone Number fields have a special feature in that the entries may
be made as "123-4567" or as "1234567".
For our international Users, 1 to 6 or 8 digit numbers may be used and the
dash ("-") will NOT be auto-inserted. Phone numbers which begin with a zero
will have leading zero(s) eliminated when saved in the disk file (sorry).
Area Codes beginning with one or more zeros (0) will have the first leading
zero preserved (2nd & 3ed leading zeros will be eliminated).
"GP" breaks your sales down into 13 different categories of "Income", ALL
of which can be renamed by the User by using "RECONFIGURE".
Sale Category #1 Sale Category #6 Labor Charges
Sale Category #2 Sale Category #7 Shipping Charges
Sale Category #3 Sale Category #8 Sales Tax Charges
Sale Category #4 Misc.
Sale Category #5 Discounts
If you use a Cash Register for sales (as well as employee invoices),
reserve one of the "Sales Categories" for "Cash Reg", and make an entry in
that "Sales Category" at the end of each day's business.
The easiest way to do this is to create a "Customer Record" for your own
office by entering your firm's name and address in the customer file, or by
creating a customer record with a "Name" of "CASH REGISTER SALES" (or
something similar).
Then, at the end of each day, create an Invoice for "CASH REGISTER SALES"
(or whatever) and enter the amount from the Cash Register.
If you have several Cash Registers, issue each Cashier an Employee ID
Number, and use the "Employee Number" field on each invoice to keep track
of "Who" turned in "How Much" on "Which Day, Week, Month, etc.".
When you get to the "Quantity/Description/Price" section of each invoice,
you may note that at the bottom, center of the screen a message appears
when the curser enters any of the "Description" fields ("F5=INVENTORY").
If you hit the F5 Key, a "Window" will appear inside of which can be up to
735 different sales items. Each item will have a "Description", a "Retail
Price", and a "Sales Category" number. The items "can" also be in "Sorted"
order if you wish.
To select an Inventory Item, use a combination of your Up/Down Arrow Keys,
and your PageUp/PageDn Keys. There are 49 pages of 15 items each.
When the "Highlighted Bar" covers the item you want, just press the "Enter"
Key, and all of that information will be automatically inserted into the
proper Invoice fields.
To "Exit" without selecting an entry, just press the "ESC" key.
To create (or change) your own Inventory List, use Main Menu Selection "R"
(Reconfigure). Then, when the Reconfigure Menu appears, select the
"Inventory" Menu selection. When creating or editing Inventory Lists, all
numeric entries MUST be made using USA numeric format (1234.56 - NOT
1234,56). However, if you Reconfigure "GP" to use a comma (",") as a
symbol of your numeric fractions, then the various inventory items will
appear as you wish in the "GP" program itself, and on "GP" printouts. But
the Inventory List (and Currency Conversion List) must be prepared using
USA (".") format.
All entered Inventory Data is saved in a disk file named "INVNTORY.DAT".
If you have a large Inventory list, it would be a good idea to make a
Backup of that file, and to keep a "Hard Copy Printout" of the Inventory
List as well.
As "INVNTORY.EXE" is a "support" program for "GP", and is NOT necessary
for the "full use" of "GP" (descriptions, price & category can always be
manually entered), only the first 25 Inventory Items will function in
"UnRegistered" versions.
However, this limitation ONLY applies in the "GP" program itself. In both
the Registered and UnRegistered versions Users may enter all (or up to)
735 Inventory Items if they wish. All the Inventory data will be properly
saved in "INVNTORY.DAT" and displayed in "GP". But only the first 25 items
will be accessed by "GP" in the UnRegistered Versions.
"PACKLIST.EXE" may be accessed from within the "GP" Invoice Menu Screen by
simply pressing a "P" as your menu selection.
Most businesses will seldom need to use a large packing list to display
sold items, as the invoice itself usually provides enough space for this
information on the large majority of sales.
But this feature is included for firms (such as building contractors) who
need to itemize larger orders, containing scores of different items, parts,
parts "Kits", or "Bill Of Materials". It gives you the ability to list
hundreds (or even thousands) of different items on a single invoice.
The Packing List routine allows you to create and save large, complicated,
sorted, packing lists which you can use over & over for different customers
as needed. Or you can simply create unique (use it once) Packing Lists for
special orders, and then "Clear" (Erase) your entries when finished.
The printed Packing List will show up to 50 sale items per printed page,
and will handle up to 675 different entries per packing list. The Packing
List allows multiple line descriptions of sales products, and it will
automatically adjust the number of printed pages to the number of "Line
Item" entries which you make. Multiple copies may be printed.
You can create MORE than one Packing List for each invoice, one for each
Sales Category if you need to. By doing that, you could list more than
6,750 different sale items per invoice. Each Packing List you create has a
numbered ID (Pack List #1, 2, 3, etc.,) which appears in the page headings.
When you use a Packing List, enter something like "PACKING LIST ENCLOSED",
or "SEE ENCLOSED PACKING LIST #3", in your "Invoice Description" field.
Then enter the Total Amount from the printed Packing list in the "Invoice
Price" field, and a quantity of "1" in the "Invoice Quantity" field.
If you send a packing list with the invoice, it is a good idea to print
extra copies of both, and store them in a "Paper Hard Copy" file for future
reference. By doing this, you will not need to keep countless packing list
files on your hard drive, thereby saving disk space.
If you wish to use "Multiple Line Descriptions" for some of your Packing
List's items, we suggest the following method be used.
#1- Enter ALL of your sale items as "Single Line" entries first. In
other words, Enter The "Quantity, Description & Price" for each
item, but don't enter the extra line descriptions right now.
#2- When finished making all the "Single Line" entries, press the "ESC"
key to return to the menu. Then "SORT" your entries. Then choose
the "EDIT" menu choice to return to your listings.
#3- Move your cursor to where you wish to insert "blank" lines, or to
where you want to insert the "Multiple Line Descriptions", and then
press your "ALT + I" keys. A blank line will be inserted just above
your cursor position. You can then use those blank lines to either
"Set Apart" different groups of sale items, or to enter your multi
line descriptions. Once all this has been done, DO NOT SORT this
Packing List file again.
The above method avoids having any multiple line descriptions "scrambled"
by the sorting routine, as all records are sorted by the data entered in
the "Description" fields. Sorting will also eliminate any blank lines you
may have inserted to separate different groups of items.
In the Invoice "LABOR CHGS" & "SHIPPING" fields, you have the ability to
calculate "Quantity" math problems such as.....
12.4 Hours at $14.37 each = ? 33.7 Square Yards at $29.39 each = ?
As soon as you move the cursor into the LABOR field, at the bottom, center
of the screen a message saying "F-5 = Quantity" will appear. That simply
means that if you have a problem like one of the above, just hit the "F-5"
key. When you do, an "On Screen Window" will appear to take your "Quantity"
and "Price Each" information. "GP" will then automatically insert the
correct total into the field, and the "Window" will disappear.
Sales Tax Rates and Laws vary greatly all over the world. As a result, we
had to program this field with this in mind.
At the request of our International Users, effective with GP Version 3.0
and newer, you can now rename the invoice tax field to "GST" (for our
Canadian friends), or most anything else up to 11 characters in length.
This also makes it possible to name the tax field "nothing" (by erasing any
name and leaving it blank) for those few of us who operate where there is
NO Sales Tax (like maybe..., the North Pole?).
The default setting for the Sales Tax Value is ".05" (5 percent). That
amount can be changed to any value from ".0000" through ".9999" (from NO
tax to 99.99% tax).
To change the Sales Tax rate, run "RECONFIGURE". Then choose the "SALES
TAX" selection from the Configuration Menu.
As you Enter "New", or Edit "Old" Invoices, when you reach the Sales Tax
"%" field, a small window will appear saying "Tax? (Y/N)". If you type a
"Y" (or hit Enter) for "Yes", Sales Tax WILL be calculated and charged to
the Invoice, based upon the Sales Tax Percentage Rate which you set.
In situations where you have set a Sales Tax rate, but are now entering a
"Tax Exempt" invoice (such as for a church), then just type "N" (for NO),
and Sales Tax will NOT be applied to the invoice.
"GP" is designed for use where there is only one Sales Tax. If you live
where you have a City or County or National Sales Tax in addition to a
State Sales Tax, then you may want to combine the two tax rates into one
figure. Example: 6% State Tax + 4% City Tax = 10% Combined Sales Tax rate.
If that's not acceptable, then rename one of the other Sales Categories as
the 2nd tax field. If you rename and use either "LABOR" or "SHIPPING" for
this purpose, you can then use your F5 Key to activate the "Quantity
Window", and then manually calculate the tax by entering the tax rate times
the amount shown in the Invoice Sub Total Field.
But this will only work if you have 1 or less tax exempt Sales Categories.
If you only have one tax exempt category, then rename "Labor" to your 1st
Tax name, and rename "Shipping" to your only "Tax Exempt" Sales Category.
This will avoid having the tax exempt value in "Shipping" appear in the
"Sub Total" when you use "Quantity" to calculate your 1st sales tax.
If you have more than one Sales Tax, and more than one "Tax Exempt" Sales
Category, then the only way you can use "GP" is to use a calculator and
enter the 2nd tax manually (sorry).
Go to the Main "GP" Menu. Choose the selection for "RECONFIGURATION". On
the Configuration Menu there is a selection for "Erasing" the Data files.
Use it to erase BOTH the Customer & Invoice Data files. Then, when "GP" is
run again, brand new (and empty) data files will automatically be created
for you.
The Configuration Menu also lets you set your "starting" Customer Number
and Invoice Number. But this may require a bit of thought first.
We designed "GP" in such a manner that the Customer "should" never see or
know what their customer number is. The number will never appear on any
invoice or statement, and is strictly for YOUR OWN USE.
So why go out of your way to make your Customer Numbers large and
complicated? Why not just start with a "10" instead? Smaller numbers are
usually easier to remember. But if you wish, you can set your starting
customer number anywhere from 2 to 899,999. Set this number BEFORE entering
any records in the Customer file.
"GP" will never allow any duplicate Invoice or Customer Numbers to exist in
the same file at the same time. The default starting "Invoice Number" is
"10,000", but you can change that (by using Reconfigure) to any number you
wish (except "0" and "1" which are reserved).
But, if you sometimes use external (hand written) invoices which are pre-
printed and already contain their own Invoice Numbers, then make sure that
you set your "GP" starting Invoice number a fair amount HIGHER than any of
the numbers on your pre-printed paper invoices (to avoid "Duplicate
Invoice" numbering problems at a later date).
"GP" produces unique Invoice & Customer Numbers by starting with the
"beginning" Invoice Number which you set, and then finding the next highest
unused number in the file. It will "skip over" any "used" numbers. If an
Invoice is Erased, Deleted or Removed from the file, it's number will be
re-used again.
Because of this, Registered Users who use "GP-TOOLS.EXE" to "extract" older
records from a large Invoice File, should also RESET their "Starting
Invoice Number" to the next NEW Invoice Number generated BEFORE the file
extraction routine is used. Otherwise, all the extracted invoices will have
their Invoice Numbers made available for re-use on new invoices.
You can use your "Backspace" key to erase the automatically generated
Invoice Number, and then enter whatever number you wish to use (to use Pre-
Printed, Pre-Numbered Invoices for example). But if you try to enter a
number which has already been used, a warning window will "Pop-Up" and the
Invoice Number will NOT be accepted (NO DUPLICATES ALLOWED).
On the Invoice Menu there is a menu selection called "RE-BILL". This menu
selection is intended to make life a little easier for those many firms who
send the same Invoices, for the same amounts, to the same customer base,
month after month, or year after year (Lawn & Garden, Pest Control, etc.).
Instead of having to manually re-enter each of those invoices by hand every
time, they can select "RE-BILL", and then enter a range of dates from which
"GP" should select invoices for re-billing (like last month for example).
"GP" will then display each invoice within the date range (in alphabetical
order) and ask a "Yes/No" question about whether or not to "Re-Bill" that
customer, that amount, again. If "Yes", then a new invoice will be created
that is identical to the older one with the following exceptions; It will
have a new invoice number, it will have the Invoice Date set to "Today",
and it will be marked as an completely "UnPaid" invoice (any Credits or
Partial Balances from the old Invoice will be ignored).
You will then be offered a "YES/NO" opportunity to "PRINT" the new invoice.
If "YES", printing will begin immediately.
If "NO", we suggest that you make a note of the Invoice Number if you wish
to "Edit" the Invoice, and then print it at a later time. Having a list of the
Invoice Numbers for editing/printing will speed up that process, and avoid
having to "BROWSE" through the entire Invoice File.
NOTE: Many firms find that they hardly ever have to print an invoice which
was generated by the "RE-BILL" process. Instead, they just send out
"Customer Statements" which lists all the un-paid Invoices by Invoice
Number, and then shows the "Total Amount Due" (when "Statement" is used
with the Acc/Rec Printing option). For most customers this is adequate,
though you may print out individual invoices as well. Either way, "GP" will
get the job done easily for you.
Print a "List Of Invoices" for the same "Date Range" BEFORE you use the
"RE-BILL" function. Then print another Invoice List AFTER using "RE-BILL"
(but have the ending date in the date range equal to TODAY's date for the
second list). By comparing the two Invoice Lists, you can usually spot any
errors or omissions which may have happened during the "Re-Bill" process.
Also, we suggest that the entire "RE-BILL" session be performed in ONE
long session instead of two or more shorter sessions. This can greatly
reduce confusion caused by different SYSTEM dates and trying to remember
just where you left off in the last session.
- Make sure that the version of DOS or MS/DOS you are using is
version 3.0 or higher. Older versions won't work properly.
- Make sure CONFIG.SYS is set as described in the previous pages.
- Not enough free RAM memory available. Remove all other Memory
Resident programs from memory BEFORE running "GP".
- Your Printer is "NOT" ready for action, or may be incompatible,
or is NOT set to LPT Port #1. On some computers this problem will
simply "Hang Up" the computer UNTIL the printer "IS" ready for
action. But on most, a warning "Printer Not Ready" window appears.
- Not enough free disk space left.
- Incompatibility: As time goes by and manufacturers scramble to
find ways to pack more power and features into machines, many changes
have been made in the computer's design. Some software "may" have a
problem with "some" of these changes. This type of problem usually
will show up in places such as "Video" (where video cards have been
replaced with video chips), and in other areas where BIG computer
design changes have been made.
- Make sure that you are using a "Dot Matrix IBM/Epson/Compatible"
printer. Daisy Wheel, "Serial" or "non-compatible" printers just
won't work properly (or some won't work at all) with "GP".
- Make sure the printer is plugged into your "Parallel Port #1".
Many computers have more than one Printer Port. A Printer designed
to be plugged into a "Serial Port" will not work with "GP".
- Some brands of Laser Printers have been reported to work well with
"GP" if they can be set up to "Emulate" the IBM ProPrinter or the
Epson FX or RX printers. Also, setting Lasers to either 60 or 66
lines per page (different settings for different brands) sometimes
will fix "FormFeed" problems. See your Laser Printer's Instruction
manual for these possibilities.
- Make sure the printer's "SETUP SWITCHES" are properly set to print
- If you find that on some of the "GP" printouts you are getting
printed lines of full "E's, D's" or other characters in place of
solid lines or boxes, then one of two things are happening. Either
you don't have your printer set up to print "IBM Extended Graphic"
characters (see the Instruction Manual for your printer), or your
printer is not capable of printing Graphics.
In such cases, run "Reconfigure". Choose the selection for "Printed
Output" and set up GP.EXE to produce printouts using only one of the
three sets of "TEXT" (non-graphic) characters. Also, set the file to
"NO DOUBLE-WIDE CHARACTERS". Then run "GP" and try to print either an
Invoice or Statement. If set properly, and your printer is compatible
your problem should be solved.
"GP" is a very complex program. It was written using a combination of
three different programming languages, and contains many very advanced
programming routines (Binary Indexed Trees, etc.).
As such, it performs very well, but it doesn't "take kindly" to being
mistreated by operators. The worst thing an operator can do to "GP" is
to take a "short-cut exit" from the program by simply turning off the
computer, or by doing a Warm Boot (Control + Alternate + Delete Keys).
During a proper exit (F-10 key) "GP" does quite a large number of tasks
related to closing all files properly, restoring the RAM memory to
normal, and in general, just tidying up after itself. To intentionally
and repeatedly "bypass" those tasks is risking serious damage (or even
a complete loss) of the data files.
While we have taken every step we could think of to minimize that kind
of disaster, on rare occasions it can still happen. This same problem
can occur with most programs that access files, and it's not really a
problem that's unique "only" to "GP". But because "GP" accesses "Many
Files", and those files all "Interact" with each other, we prefer to
stress the importance of proper "Exits" and NOT taking "Short Cuts".
Because of this possibility of Data loss, we can't stress strongly
enough the importance of keeping "Backup" copies of your data files.
By "Backup" files we don't mean just the backup files that "GP" gives
you the option of creating upon an exit (*.BAK). While those files are
usually fine as "Backups", it is very easy to overwrite THEM with a
badly scrambled (or "empty") file, leaving you with nothing but
useless files on your disk. So by "Backup Files" we mean other
"insurance" backup copies of your "*.REC" files kept on separate disks
or in different Sub-Directories, or in constantly updated "Archives".
The "Reconfigure" program has a menu selection which makes creating,
copying or converting "Backup Files" very easy. It is in your own
interest to make backups very often.
If your data files get too big to fit onto one backup disk, you might
consider obtaining one of the many "Archive" programs such as ZIP, ZOO,
ARC, PAK, LHARC, ARJ, and many others. These programs will "Compress" your
data files to about half their original size for easier storage. They are
usually available from most Computer Stores, BBSs, or Software Outlets.
In the meantime, you can backup your large files (or whole directories) to
"multiple" smaller disks by using the DOS files called "BACKUP" and
"RESTORE". See your DOS or MS/DOS instruction manual.
(See your DOS/MS-DOS Manual - "Batch Files")
"We" use a simple system for making "our" backups. We create another
Sub Directory off of our "GP" directory called "BACKUPS".
C:\GP 'Original Directory Set Up
C:\GP\BACKUPS 'New Directory & Sub-Directory Set Up
Then (while in our normal "GP" sub directory) we create a "BATCH" file
which we call "BKUP.BAT". Here's how it's done from a System Screen Prompt.
Substitute another drive letter for "C:" if you are not using drive C:.
Help Comments Only (Not Commands)
MD C:\GP\BACKUPS 'Creates BACKUPS Sub Directory
COPY CON: BKUP.BAT 'Creates file called "BKUP.BAT"
DEL C:\GP\BACKUPS\*.OLD 'Command stored inside "BKUP.BAT"
REN C:\GP\BACKUPS\*.REC *.OLD 'Command stored inside "BKUP.BAT"
COPY C:\GP\*.REC C:\GP\BACKUPS 'Command stored inside "BKUP.BAT"
COPY C:\GP\*.PKL C:\GP\BACKUPS 'Command stored inside "BKUP.BAT"
^Z 'Hit F6 Key - Closes "BKUP.BAT"
BKUP.BAT will make current backups, as well as keep the "Next Older" set of
"REC" files at your fingertips. It also backs up the Inventory List, the
Currency List, and all of the Packing List files.
You can also add other command lines to the Batch File to "Freshen" any of
several types of Archived, Compressed files, which in turn, can then be
copied to a removable disk as an "Insurance" backup. And all of this can be
done every time you exit "GP" by just entering the command "BKUP".
In addition to "Disk File" Backup copies, we strongly recommend that
you also keep a file of "paper" Backups.
Print out fresh copies of your Customer Address/Phone list on a
regular and frequent basis. Do the same with Invoice Lists, at least
on a monthly basis. Also do this with Accounts Receivable.
For extra copies of the actual Invoices, there are several methods.
Either use a copy machine to make a "File Copy" of every GP Invoice,
or use "Two Part Carbonless" computer paper to print an original and
one "File Copy" at the same time, or use CNF-GP.EXE to set "GP" to
print TWO (or more) copies of every Invoice.
In the event of a disaster (fire, flood, computer theft, System or Hard
Drive Crash, etc.), the rusty (but tough) old filing cabinet with it's
drawers full of "old fashioned" paper Invoices can still "save the day".
When you decide to make "Backup" copies of your records, you really only
NEED to make copies of "CUSTOMER.REC, INVOICE.REC, INVNTORY.DAT, and also
CURRENCY.DAT". Also, if you have created Packing Lists which you want to
re-use, you should backup all "*.PKL" (packing list) files. (All this
assumes that you are already using a backup of the other "GP" programs).
All the other files (NDX, CFG, BAK) can be automatically recreated as
needed. But those data files are irreplacable without backup copies.
Most small businesses have an Accountant or Bookkeeper who handles the
Accounting Needs of the firm on a "Monthly" or "Quarterly" basis.
To provide your Bookkeeper with accurate information, and to help assure
that the "Balance Sheet" does indeed "Balance", will require some "Common
Sense" chores and a lot of business information from you.
GIST-PLUS can handle the "Business Information", but "you" get stuck with
doing the "Chores". To help you with these "Chores", we are including this
list of items which if done properly, will "Simplify" your accountant's
task of balancing your books.
And "Simplicity" is the "Mother" of all "Low Accounting Rates" ($$$).
#1- Make sure that ALL invoice entries and payments for the given month
have been entered (and properly dated) BEFORE doing any printouts for your
#2- BANKING: Make sure that you deposit ALL money received during a month
by the "Last Banking Day" of that month.
If you miss making the last monthly deposit in time for the bank
statement, then include a note to your bookkeeper showing the undeposited
amount in your possession (for the same time period). Do not count any
money received for sales from the current (new and incomplete) month.
#3- GIST-PLUS PRINTOUTS: At the close of the last business day of each
month (or after the last monthly Mail Delivery), print out the following
reports for your bookkeeper.
- "Accounts Receivable" list.
- "Accounts Received" list for the same time period. This should equal
(or come pretty close to) your total monthly bank deposits. Note: This
list WILL NOT include any "Partial Payments" which have been received.
- "ALL INVOICES IN TIME PERIOD" Invoice list. Shows Total New Business,
invoice by invoice (both Paid & UnPaid).
- Print "GROSS SALES INCOME" screen for the same time period (F5 Key).
Shows a breakdown of Sales Income by "Sales Categories".
#4- OTHER ITEMS: Along with the above printouts, also bring your
bookkeeper the following items.
- Your Bank Statement complete with your canceled checks.
- Your Check Book, or at least the check stubs from your
check book, for the given time period.
- Any government forms or reports you may have received
in the mail during the given time period.
- All receipts for purchases of merchandise or services
for business use during the given time period.
- Automobile "Use" Logs showing business mileage.
- A list of all undeposited Cash & Checks in your possession
from the associated time period.
- Total amounts of CASH left in "Petty Cash" or as a "Draw" for
daily cash register operations.
All of the above is what "usually" is needed for most bookkeepers. But your
particular Bookkeeper or Accountant may require some additional information
from you.
The use of the Currency Conversion program is rather simple. The "SetUp"
currency program can be accessed from the "Reconfigure" menu.
You may turn the "Currency Conversion QUERY" at the end of each Invoice
Edit either ON or OFF from the Reconfigure menu. Use menu selection #7 for
this option.
The Currency program's data file will already contain a listing of over 200
countries and their respective currencies. While you probably won't want to
use ALL of those listed, we advise you to keep a backup copy of the
original list before you make many changes.
If you do not wish to leave ALL of the countries listed in the file, you
may "Line Delete" (ALT key + "D") as many as you wish, leaving only those
with whom you might normally do business.
The first thing you must do is find out what the latest Currency Exchange
Rates are between the countries you wish to use this routine for and your
own country. In most places, this information is available through assorted
publications, some banks, and stock brokers.
Once you have that information, you then must insert the figures into your
"CURRENCY.DAT" file in the "Value" field. While making your entries, all
numeric entries must be made using a decimal (".") as a numeric fraction
designator (1234.56 NOT 1234,56).
Currency values can be represented in two different ways. How much of yours
equals mine, and how much of mine equals yours. One of these two values
will always be a fraction number (less than one), unless both currencies
have exactly the same value.
As a result, many publications will show currency values by either one or
the other of the above two methods, and sometimes BOTH ways.
For example, let's say that it takes two of my "Dollars" to equal one of
your "Dollars". That would give my "Dollar" a value of "2", and your
"Dollar" a value of "1" (2 to 1 ratio). The "other" way to express this
same value is to change it into "One of my dollars equals 1/2 of one of
your dollars", or that my dollar is worth ".50%" of yours (still a 2 to 1
But which ever method you use doesn't matter, because whenever you enter a
fractional currency value between .00000001 and .99999999, the program will
convert that value to it's "Inverted" currency value.
If you enter the ".50" in the Currency Value field, the program will
convert that figure into it's "Inverted" value by dividing it into "1",
which will give an answer of "2" (program needs numbers greater than "1" to
perform it's calculations). The "2" will then replace the ".50" figure which
you entered into the Currency Value field. Once this is done, the chart
will show that it will take "2" of my Dollars to equal "1" of your Dollars.
If the two currencies have the "SAME" value, then enter a "1" into the
"Value" field (1 to 1 ratio).
The program then decides which currency is "More Or Less" than the other by
looking at what was entered into the "Plus & Minus" ("+/-") field.
When the other currency is worth "LESS" than your own, enter a "Negative"
sign (-) in the "+/-" field.
And when the other currency is worth "MORE" than your own, then enter a
"Positive" sign (+) in the "+/-" field.
In the case of "Equal Value" Currencies, (or Currencies without any entry
in the value field), don't enter anything into the "Plus & Minus" field.
Everything else in this routine is easily understood by just reading what
is shown on the screens and in the menus.
Once you have the Currency File set up as you want it to be, save your
changes to the disk file and exit from the program.
The Currency Data File can be accessed by two different methods from inside
of "GP". The most obvious method is toward the last few steps of editing or
adding a new invoice to your file. A query will appear, and ask if you
want to use Currency Conversion (Note: This Query may be TURNED ON/OFF from
the Reconfigure Program).
If you answer "Y" (for Yes), a "Window" will appear over your invoice
screen, which contains the list of countries which you SetUp with the main
currency program. Select the country to convert the invoice values to by
using your Up/Down Arrow keys, and then the "top half" of the invoice
screen will show the equivalent values in the other currency.
You will also be asked if you wish to print a copy of the currency
conversion. If you do print a copy, it is NOT meant to replace the original
invoice, but to act only as a supplement to that invoice.
The reason that another Invoice is not printed with the converted values
has to do with the number of Pre-Set character spaces the program and
printer must deal with. For rather modest sums in one currency, "some"
currencies require "Billions" for the converted values, and that is beyond
the capacity of this program.
Another less obvious place where you can access the currency conversion is
while you are "Browsing" through the Invoice File. Browse to any Invoice,
and then press your "F5" Key. It will display the "Age" of the Invoice
first, and then ask if you wish to access "Currency Conversion". If you
answer "Y", then all will proceed as described in the above few paragraphs.
ADDRESS CONTROLLER: Powerful yet Simple Address & Phone List Manager:
Handles Multiple Address Files. Does Multiple Label Outputs. Prints 2
Phone Book Directories & 3 Address Book Directories. Prints Index &
Rolodex Cards. Find records by ID# or SEARCH & FIND on ANY field.
Address Records have fields for 2 Telephone Numbers & 2 Extension
Numbers. Also has a 67 Character COMMENT field and an Address CATEGORY
field. BROWSE through Address Lists with Arrow Keys. Pick/Choose "Who"
to print Labels for. LOCK-IN repetitious field entries when entering
records from "City Directories". Sends ANY "Printed Output" (even
Labels) to the printer OR to a "Disk File". Maximum size of address
files is 9,350 records, with an unlimited number of files. Can MERGE,
EXTRACT & SORT address files. CONVERTS address files To/From RANDOM,
SEQUENTIAL & DBASE formats. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware $42
HEAVY DUTY ADDRESS & TELEPHONE program. Has most of the same features
as Address Controller, but handles up to 725,000 Records per Address
File. NO LIMIT on Files. Files never need Sorting, as new records are
sorted as they are entered. Finds records by Partial NAME or ID#. Does
International Addresses. Many Other Features. Super Fast & Feature Packed.
By: BOB KEBER - Shareware: $42
"R-TRIM": (AN ASCII Text File & Source Code Manipulator & Adjuster)
STANDARD OPERATION: Shortens TEXT Files and ANY ASCII Source Codes by
removing ALL "Trailing" Blanks, Spacebars and NULLS from the right end
of each line of text and from "Blank" lines.
- INSERT or REMOVE a 1 To 9 Space wide LEFT MARGIN (Page Offset)
- Make room for using Report Covers & for Punching Holes for Binders
- Eliminate Excessive "Blank Lines" - MAX of 2 In-a-Row saves paper
- Converts Wordstar "High-Bit" Files to Standard ASCII TEXT Files
- UN-JUSTIFY: Removes Double & Triple Spacebars from between words.
- Run from DOS Command Line or with on-screen HELP & OPTIONS MENUS
- Can use Wild Card File Selections when run from the Command Line.
Ideal for Authors & Editors. By: Bob Keber - $10.00
A Sales Tracking program for Software Authors who distribute and sell
their own software products. Handles multiple Product Files, changing
files quickly through "Pop-Up Windows". Provides "Gross Income"
information, displaying a wide variety of totals, sub totals and
averages for an entire file, or for any range of dates you select.
Issues Program Serial Numbers. File records store Customer Address &
Phone, Serial #'s, Program Name & Version, Quantity, Price, Shipping,
Sales Tax, Dates Sold & Paid, Purchase Orders & Check #'s (and has a
67 space COMMENT field). Printing routines include Mailing Labels,
Customer Address & Phone Books, Invoices, Customer Statements
(Acc/Rec), Index & Rolodex Cards, Shipping Labels, "Print To Disk
Files", and much more.
Software Sales Tracker - PATCH ("SSTPATCH"):
A separate program (but part of.., and included with "SST") for easily
"Patching" a Customer's Name, Date Of Sale, and Registered Product
Serial Number into any of YOUR "EXE" programs. Includes an "Automatic
Bulk Disk Preparation" feature. When on "Full Automatic" SSTPATCH will
read data from your "SST" product files, patch your "EXE" files with
your customer information, and then print a mailing label and a disk
contents label. It then follows a list of commands which YOU provide
for final disk preparation (FORMAT, REDATE, ARC-IT, COPY, etc.). This
"automates" the task of sending out hundreds of disks to Customers and
Distributors. The only thing you need to do is keep blank disks in the
drives, stick on the labels, and mail the finished product. Both the
"SST" & "SSTPATCH" programs are part of the same software package, and
are shipped accordingly. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware - $42
A small, fast, "Pop-Up-Window" that will allow you to quickly type up
and print a "Label" (or multiple copies of a Label) for most any
purpose (contents labels, address labels, report cover labels, etc.).
Each Label can hold up to five lines with 32 to 70 characters per line.
Printed output is straight ASCII Text, and should work with most parallel
printers. Other features: Print Multiple Copies, Set Left Margin, Re-Edit
a Label, Automatic or Manual printer Print Settings. Shareware - $18
If you would like to "Try" one or more of the above programs, and are
unable to obtain them from your normal software supplier, we will be
glad to send "UnRegistered Evaluation" versions directly to you for a
small fee to cover Shipping & Handling expenses.
ANY 5 PROGRAMS = $10 (no extra charge)
Send us a note stating which program(s) you would like to try.
Please specify the programs by NAME (not just "Send All Programs"). As
time goes by, new programs will be added to this list. That's why we
will need Program Names to properly fill your order. Be sure to include
your Name, Return Address, Telephone and Check. Orders are are usually
shipped within 24 hours of receipt. Make Checks Payable To: "R. KEBER"
336 Swain Blvd.
Greenacres, Florida 33463-3342
(407) 969-3643
If you wish to purchase a "REGISTERED" version of any of the above
programs, send a check for the amount shown at the bottom corner of
each program's description. There is NO Shipping & Handling Charge on
any Registered Version (USA Only). International orders, add $5.00 (USD)
for Shipping & Handling. Florida residents, please ADD Sales Tax.
After July 1993, we suggest that you call us for an updated price
BEFORE you send in your order. All prices and features are subject to
periodic changes without notice.
Copyright (C)
Robert F. Keber Jr.
All Rights Reserved
The term "IBM" is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.
The term "DOS" is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.
The term "EPSON" is a registered trademark of the Epson Corp.
The term "MS-DOS" is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corp.